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IN RESIDENCE was passionately created as part of the annual UNITED DANCE course in Antwerp. Our dancers were able to spend one transformative week dancing and performing in the Meir Palace of Antwerp in partnership with Herita. Inspired by the history and illustrious inhabitants of this former royal and imperial palace, photographer Floor Knuyt showcases the artists as the imaginary residents of this magnificent landmark. The artists take possession of the rooms and bring them to life with a nod to the paintings of James Ensor and his vibrant depictions of flowers. We extend our gratitude to Herita for opening their doors to us and providing our participants with this exceptional opportunity.

This visual artwork reflects the UNITED DANCE philosophy. Where everyone is valued and deserves extraordinary experiences.

Floor has been part of the UNITED DANCE team for three years. During the course, Floor and the dancers spent several days together, fostering trust and allowing her to capture each dancer in their unique essence.

We hope you will enjoy this journey with